We accumulate so many possessions and sometimes these things are simply best hidden away; there for when needed, but not cluttering the every-day. Good cabinetry can be our most hardworking furniture partner; providing shelves to carry, drawers to fill, and hanging space to keep the peace. All of our designs consider perfect proportions and many can be custom reconfigured to suit our customers' specific spaces.
Joyce cabinet
Mercier vitrine
Frans drinks cabinet
Emil dresser
Frey armoire
Fielding armoire
Lowry armoire
Alba armoire
Alba sideboard
Frey 3 door sideboard
Frey 2 door sideboard
Ellery sideboard
Joyce sideboard
Lowry sideboard
Joyce chest of drawers
Kentridge chest of drawers
Post office shelving
Audley shelving
Joyce bedside table
Harlosh bedside table
Tarn cabinet