Tables and desks
Family meals, lively suppers, impending deadlines; the rituals and demands of daily life demand much of our furniture. Our tables and desks are designed to perform but with a thoughtfulness, artistry and gentleness in their detailing; be that how the curved underside of a table feels to the hand or how we integrate cables and hardware to working desks without compromising on beauty.
Mead dining table
Harper dining table extending
Achilles dining table
Rodan elliptical dining table
Lyle console
Rodan console
Mead coffee table
Rodan coffee table large
Rodan coffee table medium
Nim dune
Nim copper
Menton solid walnut desk
Menton inlaid leather desk
Yves desk
Lana dressing table II
Clyde lamp table
Clyde side table
Harlosh bedside table
Joyce bedside table
Float table
Ort table