Frequently asked questions

Here is a list of our more frequently asked questions, which we hope you’ll find helpful.

A link to our trading Terms and Conditions can also be found on our website footer. If you require more information, or if you would simply prefer to talk to one of our team, our shop-based sales consultants are available to answer any questions you might have. They are on hand Monday - Friday from 9am - 6pm, and on Saturdays from 10am - 5pm and can be contacted by phone on +44 (0) 207 622 5075, or via our Livechat during shop hours, or by sending an email to [email protected]

Where to see our collection

Our collection is on display in our shop at 200 Ebury Street, in London’s Pimlico Road design district. If you are looking to view a particular piece we suggest you call ahead on +44 (0) 207 622 5075 to make sure we have it on display as we do have items move in and out of our shop space.

Where is your shop?

Our shop can be found at 200 Ebury Street, London SW1W 8UN. The nearest tube is Sloane Square.

Is an appointment required to visit the shop?

We welcome customers in the shop without an appointment. However, if you have specific questions or would like to view certain pieces we recommend you call ahead to ensure the dedicated service of a member of our sales team.

Can I view the collection outside of London?

We partner with a select number of leading international retailers who present our pieces to the wider world stage. We are represented by The Future Perfect in New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles and by Spence & Lyda in Sydney. These stockists carry a limited selection of our pieces. Please contact the store before visiting to ensure they have what you are looking for. Our sales team are also well versed in handling overseas interest and can answer any questions you might have on our collection and international shipping.

Do you have a catalogue?

Our website is the best source of up to date information on our collection and news. We also have a number of lookbooks in our London shop that we invite customers to take away with them. We also provide digital brochures where needed for trade library reference, if interested please email [email protected].